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Alfredo Sanz Rivera School Repair Fund

Manglaralto Giving, through the generosity of Ann Luther and Ron Jackson, have committed to continue

our efforts to improve the local elementary school, Alfredo Sanz Rivera, room by room.

From today until October 15th, we will have a matching donation program. For every dollar that is donated to the school fund, Manglaralto Giving will receive a matching donation, up to $4000!

The elementary school has over 250 students, from preschool to 6th grade. The students come from towns near and around Manglaralto. The floors are bare concrete. Most of the classrooms have open block windows, which allow the rain (and the noise) to enter. As you can see from the photos, many of the classrooms are in terrible disrepair. The classrooms have not been renovated since the school was built about 50 years ago.

The cost to renovate a classroom is about $1500-$2000, depending on the square meters and numbers of windows. We would like to be able to add glass windows with screens for ventilation.

We have parent volunteer workers ready to start. We have a great discount at the local hardware store to buy materials, and we have the full support of the staff at the school. Students on the coast continue with online learning so now is the perfect time.

Now we need your help. If you are a teacher, or you know a teacher who sponsors a service club in the states, we need your help. If you believe children deserve a bright, clean, and colorful classroom, we need your help.

Your donation is tax deductible and until October 15th, your donation will double!

Simply click the PayPal link below and in the note section, please let us know your donation goes to the school fund.

The children deserve better.

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Be sure to note 
"School Fund" when you donate.

© 2024 by N Beth Line Designs - Indianapolis, Indiana U.S.A.

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